I do not by any stretch of my imagination think I am super clever; it is no secret I often have a different way of looking at just about everything I approach. Not always by choice.
The Latest
This Idea May Need to Thaw a Little
When Am I Ever Gonna Need This?
Keep mixing that brew, working folks harder, keep them tired, exhausted, focused on “survival” rather than building a life or anything close to prosperity for themselves
Black Cherry Bomb Geometric Cock Ring
Being that it is so light weight there were times I forgot I was wearing it until I realized my junk was sitting up in my briefs differently. Up front and centre.
Let’s Talk Jocks, Socks and Cock Things
Let’s Talk Jocks Socks and Cocks. We are starting a new monthly feature at TURNIP STYLE – Jocks, Socks and Cocks. Watch for new highlights on the 3rd Wednesday of each month!
Now Paging Passenger USB
I picked these specific USB keys, out of all the ones that I looked at, because it was pointed out that they were in the local warehouse.
Be Ye Consistent, If Ye Can’t Do Anything Else
I am sure a wise person once said; “At least be consistent, if ya can’t do anything else worth shit.” Or maybe I heard it in a movie once. Nonetheless…
The Nasty Pig Union Suit Long Underwear
The Nasty Pig Union Suit broke into the market giving a slightly frumpy garment a sexy lift, for the fetishist and kinkster.
You Can Rest Assured
We will work diligently to ensure the pool and sauna are restored to full operation in a timely manner. We would like to thank you in advance for your patience and understanding in regard to this matter and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Thick versus Thin. That is the Question.
One of them is the Traditional 3″ waistband and the other is still traditional, but is the streamlined Swimmers 1″ waistband.
JC Athletic Classic 3 Inch Jockstrap
Review: This jockstrap scored 4.5/5. It is super comfortable, rugged, durable, fast drying. The most comfortable athletic jockstrap I’ve worn in ages.