When you are walking down the street and you are looking for something that you might have dropped; like in winter that could be a mitten, glove, scar ...
Now, we have had some recent weekends of decent weather and some with, less than stellar weather and those were your weekends to install your Air Cond ...
Quick 4 Question Survey: After yesterday's piece on the Fortune Cookie Fiasco we wanted to ask just a few quick questions to see if anything has chang ...
It has been very clear, for a long time, that the "powers that be" at the steering wheel of all the major social media companies have had their heads ...
Well this was easy, fun and DELICIOUS. So maybe, now, we have new motivation to reduce the amount of plastic going to landfill and increase the amount ...
To add insult to injury that heifer has SHIT right on our little warrior of a bird. (Well irresponsible party animal is more like it but lets not add ...
I remember queuing up as a young child to sharpen my pencil with my classmates. Mainly to waste class time of course; and walking back to my desk with ...