The brilliant and super talented synth-pop artist Venn Smyth has taken isolation as an opportunity to actually make a connection and create a “power pop remix” with Glasgow-based electro artist Elisabeth Elektra.

It is obvious that all Venn’s creativity is just too much for him to sit still, so I would venture it is little wonder that he has been keeping himself super busy making even more connections through music.

He shares; “I started the playlist [Venn’s Quop – which is now a radio show on GlitterBeam Radio] during the first lock-down in 2020. I had just released my debut single ‘Burn Me‘ and with no gigs on the horizon, it was a way for me to try and connect with other LGBTQ+ artists and shine a spotlight on their work.

I had no idea what a rich, talented and thriving community of artists I would discover and how the play list would develop into something even bigger! I’ve made connections with other artists from the UK to the USA, Europe to Japan – the support everyone gives each other is amazing to see!

One of these connections is closer to Venn’s homeland of Scotland. Elisabeth Elektra (“Giddy electronic pop” MOJO, “Remarkable” Clash) creates ‘Queer Alien Art Pop’ from her home in Glasgow.

The electronic artist fell in love with Venn’s song ‘They Come for You’ and asked to put her own spin on it. The result is the Elisabeth Elektra Remix (released everywhere 14 May 2021) that gives “great 80’s synth power pop vibes” (Track By Track Podcast), highlighting the important message of the song.

Venn Smyth’s lyrics were inspired by the post-war poem by Martin Niemöller “First they came…”.

It is very much music with a message for today.

Elisabeth Elektra’s remix of Venn’s work is not the only one to come from Glasgow.

Last year, Glasgow based DJ Ben Howell shot to online fame and then quickly the radio airwaves with his mash-up of Dua Lipa’s ‘Hallucinate’ and the BBC News Theme. His next project was to create a summer-ready bop of a remix for Venn.

Both tracks will form part of a remix version of his EP ‘Build This House Again’ which Venn is to release over the coming months, working with other independent queer artists. He has also started writing new material with his new-found online music community, and will be releasing these collaborations later in the year.

Find more about Venn Smyth at
Find more about Elisabeth Elektra at

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