HEY -- do you like fans? Well, how about 4 of them? I received the cutest email from my "Gal Pals" Betty & Ethel, they heard about my "castrating" com ...
It is all in how you decorate that balcony; and today while this MASSIVE storm was moving in across the city, a neighbour across the street, was out s ...
The lack of kindness, compassion and just rational thought is beyond sickening. We don't impound and flatten cars for speeding tickets but we flatten ...
Queer folk have been hooking up and sneaking around for a long time. Straight folk have continued to do their part to make sure that Queer folk have t ...
Inspired by PINK SHIRT DAY - a gesture of kindness, students organized and all wore PINK SHIRTS to school in solidarity with one of their classmates w ...
When you are walking down the street and you are looking for something that you might have dropped; like in winter that could be a mitten, glove, scar ...
Now, we have had some recent weekends of decent weather and some with, less than stellar weather and those were your weekends to install your Air Cond ...