What is it every HELP DESK keeps telling us to try?
Turn it off.

Then back on again.

The bottom photo I was saving for Pride Month 2020 kick off here at TURNIP STYLE.
I remember how happy I was to see photos of the White House lit up in the Pride Rainbow that summer. I was excited for my LGBTQ+ Community in the US. I was hopeful.
Well fuck. That didn’t last very long.
I wanted to use this photo and write a cute little inspirational story about 2020 being the year to look back and LEARN from our successes and stumbles and work to get to a place where love did win and we could leave hate and division behind us.
Now I just sit here. I write a few words. Delete them. Nothing sounds right. Nothing feels right.
I often say the wrong thing at the best of times; never mind when I am this sad, angry and broken. All I have left to say from the bottom of my very broken heart is; I hear you, I see you and YOU matter to me.

xx turnip