My journey with cockrings, for a good portion, has been a very windy road and not without injury either.
Snaps, bands, metal, leather, latex, rubber, silicone, neoprene, probably somethings I have forgotten and now 3D printed plastic.
The Black Cherry Bomb Geometric cockring by Russell Hardwear, has been constructed using 100% Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) which is shockingly light weight, super strong and and each piece is hand buffed to a perfectly smooth finish, by Ryan Russell himself.
I find myself quite fascinated with this cockring; if I am not wearing it, I am often fiddling with it, running my fingers over the surfaces. I find it to be quite soothing. Certainly not something I expected ever to say about a cockring, yet I think this attention to detail is what leads me to find this cockring so comfortable to wear.

Black Cherry Bomb Geometric Cock Ring
I have mentioned before that I wear cockrings for a variety of reasons; including just for wearing one because it feels good or a piece of gear I am wearing looks better when I am wearing a cockring.
What I have learned is that there are cockrings out there that are not made for wearing at length. I mention above I have sustained minor set back with getting pinched here, nicked there and chaffed here. Of course, always the worst timing too.
The Black Cherry Bomb Geometric cockring is super comfortable to wear for extended periods of time.
Being that it is so light weight there were times I forgot I was wearing it until I realized my junk was sitting up in my briefs differently. Up front and centre.
The entire surface, both inside and out, is as smooth as glass. The extra touch of hand buffing each piece has truly elevated this cockring to not just being a sex toy but also a piece of jewellery.
As I run my fingers over the surfaces of this cockring, I am reminded of the Bakelite pieces my grandmother had on display in the basement. Super smooth and lighter in weight than you expect.
The 2 black rings are perfectly rounded while the centre red ring is actually 18 sided (octakaidecagonal), which seems to catch the light just right and attract even more attention.
The ring does not give at all, like a solid metal cockring. To get mine on I simply used the; Drop one, then the second and once they are all the way through poke my shaft through.
A little bit of a water based lube will make the process easier for some. The water based lube will be easy to tidy up after you get your cockring on, and then it will stay put, until you take it off.
The technology and materials behind the Russell Hardware cock rings allows designer Ryan Russell options only limited by his imagination. He has already produced some exciting and playful cockrings under the Russell Hardware label, available at Jockstrap Central in 3 sizes.
Russell has taken his creativity even further with his new venture RRSSLL. I defintely invite you to check out the cockrings, hoodies and other sexy accessories Ryan Russell has created!
Why the images of tennis balls and tennis racquets, turnip?
Simple answer to that really. Crazy association of ideas that popped into my head as I was putting on my Cherry Bomb Geometric cockring; it is not that much unlike a contortionist stepping through a tennis racquet. Fret not – there are no dislocations involved when putting this cock ring on or taking it off.
Follow these steps and you should be good to go! First nut. Then the second. Follow with your shaft. Make sure the cockring is up against your body as far as possible.
Simply repeat the steps backward when you are ready to remove your cockring; first your shaft, then your first nut, followed lastly by the second. Enjoy.