The call has gone out for Citrozens to punch the clock for some rigorous runs on the 3-8Teen Infrastructure in the PTU.

Duty calls. Will you answer?

When duty calls, will you answer?
The Lemonade Syndicate Needs You

Traffic has been requested for the following times:

  1. 03 MARCH FRIDAY :: 1800PST // 2100EST // 0200UTC+1
  2. 04 MARCH SATURDAY :: 1200 PST // 1500EST // 2000UTC
  3. 04 MARCH SATURDAY :: 1800PST // 2100EST // 0200UTC+1
  4. 05 MARCH SUNDAY :: 1200 PST // 1500EST // 2000UTC
  5. 05 MARCH SUNDAY :: 1800PST // 2100EST // 0200UTC+

Drop a comment below if you would have some free time and we can jump on and explore together and see what mayhem awaits!

It takes meat to build a team!
Lord Pith Lemon 13