It is very exciting that you are interested in exploring The Verse and joining The Lemonade Syndicate.
Here are some tips to help you get started;
- Use this referral code STAR-M2KP-6Y7R as you set up your account at Robert Space Industries, follow this link
- Watch Robert Space Industries website closely for promotions on Starter Packages as well as bonuses (like an extra vehicle maybe or extra paint skins) for using a referral code; STAR-M2KP-6Y7R
- Join us on our DISCORD server – check out the #roles channel to get started
- Catch The Lemonade Syndicate Action Live! Make sure to follow JORDANCFJD on TwitchTV and keep and eye on our #streaming-now channel
What happens with the REFERRAL CODE?
You will receive 5000UEC (Credits) for the final version of Star Citizen. A bonus to help you get started. Plus, if you sign up with a referral code during promotional events (like the Fly-for-Free event) there are special extras that could be available. More info here that will also outline the steps to signing up (Enlisting).
Further – you get to join The Lemonade Syndicate – and have yourself a pucker of a good time.