Approximately half a lunar cycle ago, I rented an Avenger Titan.

I wanted to take the opportunity to understand what my squadron mates were experiencing. At the same time, give myself a different all around experience from my starter ship, the Drake Cutter.

Everything great you have heard about the Drake Cutter is true, and perhaps even then some. I am 100% smitten and not shy about it.

But we all know that being smitten with “one’s first [anything]” is quite normal.

Lemon Squadron with the Avenger Titans on Yella

Choices are limited for rentals. Yet, with smart work; picking up an extra contract here and there, the current market <<Pre-3-8teen-Wipe>> is an excellent time to try on a few other ships and see what they are like.

Starting this adventure off was the Titan – flat out I am going to say everything wonderful you have heard about the Titan is true. A joy to fly; once I learned, how this one flies.

I have rented the Titan a couple of times – because it is a fun ship to fly.

A lot of fun.

Lemon Squadron with the Avenger Titans on Yella

Full Disclosure: I have also flown the Drake Cutlass. A good friend and squad mate has the Cutlass Black. Hated it the first time I flew it. Hated it.

Probably because I loved my Cutter and this was a huge difference.

I rented a Cutlass – gained a new appreciation for it.

A story for another day.

Lemon13 flying The Lemon Wedge


This market is due for a volatile change. We know new regulations are coming into effect; we just don’t know when. <<3-8teen-Wipe>>

My Drake Cutter meets the new regulation guidelines. So I will be good there – it will be just like starting out again. Yet, this time with more experience.

Looking ahead to these new regulations and a new market, I have been putting a lot of thought into how I will build my own fleet back up to support myself and my business.

What is going to put me in a solid position? What ships from my current fleet will I retrofit to meet the new regulations? <<Repurchase in 3-8teen with aUEC & or Pledge and add to my Hangar>>

Will that first addition to my fleet be a Titan?


Origin 135c - Snub // The Lemonade Syndicate

One of the reasons the Cutter helped me achieve my success was simply because I could not only easily accept numerous contracts for “Delivery Courier”, but I could run cargo at the same time; which was helping the ground stations move around their resources.

The Titan, while offering 4SCU more space, locked me into either ONLY cargo or ONLY courier contracts at any one time. Once I had any cargo in the back, the only way to gain entry into the Titan; is up the ladder into your cockpit.

A feat one is not able to safely accomplish.

<<Perhaps this is the one other time there is in-fact a “Health and Safety” aspect to game play!>>

The 2 things I love about flying the Titan;

  1. perfect size for getting into tight spots; close to the door
  2. encourages me to fly with more confidence

Both which have benefit my Cutter flying. Then, through the luck of stars and good fortune, my good friend, the one with the Cutlass, and I had the chance to grab ourselves a couple Snubs.

Which opened a whole new crate of lumpnah, I wasn’t expecting.

Have you met the Origin 135c? I kinda did and I think there is gonna be a Thruple happening in the not so distant future.

Stay tuned – I will let you know when we are expecting!

Lord Pith Lemon 13