The Navy is Everywhere


Greetings, Citizens Phoenix Inkwell here, coming to you from the vibrant metropolis of Area18. As the excitement of Invictus Week and Drake Defensecon fills the air, I find myself immersed in the heart of the action, ready to bring you all the latest updates and captivating stories from these monumental events.

From the moment I set foot in Area18, I was instantly captivated by the pulsating energy and undeniable charm of this bustling urban center.

The streets are alive with the buzz of anticipation as attendees from all corners of the galaxy gather to witness the groundbreaking technologies, breathtaking displays, and awe-inspiring demonstrations that Invictus Week and Drake Defensecon have in store for us.

AREA 18 // ARCCORP PLAZA // Landing Zone

Throughout my time here, I will be diving deep into the heart of these events, seeking out the untold stories, interviewing key figures, and unravelling the mysteries behind the cutting-edge advancements showcased by Drake Interplanetary and other prominent players in the industry.

From the exhilarating aerial displays to the awe-inspiring innovations on display, I will be your eyes and ears, ensuring that you don’t miss a single moment of this remarkable journey.

Origin 135c during Quantum Travel

But it’s not just about the events themselves; it’s about the people, the experiences, and the spirit of camaraderie that permeates the air. As I walk through the bustling streets of Area18, I’m met with a tapestry of cultures, passions, and aspirations that come together to create an atmosphere unlike any other.

It is this diversity and unity that truly sets Invictus Week and Drake Defensecon apart, showcasing the power of collaboration and the boundless potential that lies within our reach.

AREA 18 // ARCCORP PLAZA // Landing Zone
AREA 18 // ARCCORP PLAZA // Landing Zone

Tighten your harness straps, dear readers, as we embark on this thrilling adventure together. Stay tuned for exclusive interviews, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and captivating stories that will give you a front-row seat to the remarkable events unfolding here in Area18.

From the triumphs to the challenges, I promise to bring you an unbiased, insightful, and captivating coverage that will leave you feeling more connected to the ever-evolving universe we call home.

Join me as we explore the limitless possibilities, celebrate the spirit of innovation, and embrace the thrill of discovery at Invictus Week and Drake Defensecon. Together, let’s dive into this extraordinary journey that promises to shape the future of our shared destiny.

Stay tuned, my friends, for an unforgettable experience awaits us all!

Phoenix Inkwell - Journalist The CitroByte Chronicles
Security Tech and Adventure Journalist


Phoenix Inkwell is a seasoned journalist with an insatiable curiosity and a relentless pursuit of truth.

With a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, Phoenix has dedicated their career to uncovering hidden narratives and shedding light on the untold stories of the Verse.

As a valued member of The CBC, Phoenix fearlessly delves into the depths of exploration, bringing to life the captivating tales that shape our understanding of the vast universe.

With a pen as their trusted companion, Phoenix Inkwell leaves no stone untouched, capturing the essence of the extraordinary in every word they write.