Captain Rbrë Pith, solo commander aboard the mighty Anvil Carrack, Zestful Quester, embarks on a riveting journey in Episode 3 of The Vigilant Directive. With a trusty Anvil Pisces C8X and the newly acquired, yet-to-be-named Tumbril Cyclone, Captain Pith navigates the cosmos, facing challenges that test the limits of vigilance.

  • Trade and Salvage: The journey begins with a stop at HUR L5 Station to sell scrap collected in Lorville. Credits acquired, Captain Pith prepares for the unfolding challenges.
  • Hostile Forces at Shubin 3: Responding to an attempt by hostile forces against Shubin 3, Captain Pith assists in eliminating all hostiles. However, the victory comes at a cost – the loss of two security officers.
  • Medical Emergency: At The Operations Depot, Captain Pith sustains a Tier 3 injury to his arm. Swiftly switching to MED STATUS, he returns to the Carrack sickbay for immediate medical treatment.
  • The Horizon’s Edge: Captain Pith takes possession of “The Horizon’s Edge,” an Anvil Arrow provided as an incentive for Syndicate contracts. This sleek fighter becomes an invaluable asset in the upcoming missions.
  • Bounty Warrants: The Horizons Edge is put to the test as Captain Pith serves successful warrants on notorious targets:
    • Lyman ‘Screwtop’ Elizondo at The Pit
    • Damion ‘Uptown’ Bachiller near ArcCorp 048
    • Lorenzo Flow at Shubin 16 (evaded capture)
    • Elzo Avera near a cave on Wala (captured after repairs)
  • Debrief and Stand Down: Returning to Baijini Point, Captain Pith debriefs after a day filled with victories, challenges, and the constant dance between shadows and light.

Hostile forces, bounty warrants, and medical emergencies – Episode 3 of The Vigilant Directive has it all! Join Captain Pith on a solo adventure. Subscribe now!