Gathering intelligence on nefarious activities, faced challenges during the private delivery mission.
Resuming warrant contracts, Captain Pith accepted a new assignment to pursue Minoru Bluementhal in MicroTech.
Who watches Captain Pith’s every move? The Mist & G faces mysterious malfunctions, and a new crew may hold the key to uncovering the truth.
Uncover the Chronicles of Captain Pith in the Cryo Citadel. From ship malfunctions to abandoned facilities, secrets await in the frigid expanse
Received my official, “welcome to the team” communiqué.
Noteworthy absence of other craft or pilots during independent contractor operations. An unusual quietude throughout the day raises suspicions and demands further investigation.
Despite the eerily quiet atmosphere, the day was not without action. MicroTech Security Services deputization evaluation went smoothly, granting local access and income opportunities.
The Mist & G plunges deeper into the cosmic mysteries, each challenge unraveling new layers of enigma. The cosmic dance continues, and the Mist & G stands resilient in the face of the unknown.
Our intelligence operatives have detected a series of irregularities surrounding the Mist & G, and the TechMechs have raised concerns about foul play.