Operation Echelon Reconnaissance


Lord Pith and his covert unit following their latest intelligence-gathering mission. Their findings expose a grave situation that demands swift action.


Salina Tien, the infamous criminal syndicate, is strategically positioning assets across Stanton. Their goal is to destabilize the region as trade routes open with Pyro, using factional maneuvers to create vulnerabilities in our infrastructure.


  • Neutralize Destabilization: Thwart Salina Tien’s efforts to destabilize the Stanton system, maintaining stability as we anticipate Pyro System attacks.
  • Gather Counterintelligence: Collect critical counterintelligence on Salina Tien’s strategies and movements to inform our response.
  • Operational Flexibility: Adapt quickly to counter their tactics with precision.


CitroSEC has acquired verifiable intelligence indicating a critical breach within the ranks of Crusader Security, orchestrated by none other than Salina Tien operatives.

To preserve regional stability and institute effective countermeasures against the escalating maneuvers of Salina Tien, it has become an imperative imperative for CitroSEC to activate its most decisive course of action.

Consequently, our organization is left with no alternative but to deploy specially trained operatives, poised to swiftly intervene and restore order in the face of this audacious threat.


Citrozens residing within the bounds of Stanton bear an inherent duty to rise against oppressors and obliterate their influence. This duty is not merely a creed, but a hereditary force coursing through our veins. However, the confrontation with Salina Tien mandates a tactful and prudent approach. Our response must be executed with precision, as any misstep could cast an unfortunate shadow over The Syndicate, CitroSEC, and even the broader community.

In view of these considerations, CitroSEC stands at a crucial juncture, appealing to the valour and mettle of volunteers. We beckon forth individuals who embody the spirit of steadfast determination and are primed to assist in this mission, upholding the standards we espouse.

The requirements are as follows:

  • Combat-Seasoned Pilots: Those adept in the art of aerial and orbital combat
  • Cargo-Seasoned Pilots: Pilots experienced in cargo transport operations, adept at navigating various challenges.
  • Battle-Hardened Marines: Individuals boasting expertise in ground and gunnery combat, ready to tackle the most demanding scenarios. (This includes gunner positions in ALL vehicles)

This moment calls for unity, precision, and unwavering resolve. By answering this call, you become the embodiment of our enduring legacy, safeguarding not only the immediate future but also the reputation of The Syndicate, CitroSEC, and the very essence of our community.

  1. Volunteering is open to all legal Citrozens.
  2. Visit The Lemonade Synidcate Discord // Lem Syn Communications and interact with OPERATION SHADOW VANGUARD Roles; this will give you access to our Shadow Vanguard Voice and Text Channel for the operation.


How to become a Citrozen.

  1. Visit our Discord – read and agree to our code of conduct and then select the roles that apply to you and then follow the steps above.