With XenoThreat disrupting life on all levels in Stanton, I was not surprised when the HEX Mech-Techs told me that they were out of gear for my Cutter; they were hoping for a shipment to break the blockade later that day.

However, it wasn’t all shitty news!  The Mech-Techs also told me that a shipment of wings & beer had infact made it through the blockade, and they were serving them up hot and fresh down at the bar.

Didn’t have to blink to see the backside of me out of there, grabbing myself a HAB and switching into my Civs and off to the bar for some wings.

The folks around here actually get up and stand on their chairs and shout for another order. It’s crazy.

Wonder what makes ’em so good …

Anyways…I see my order coming now. Catch ya later.

Space smart!

Grabbing some of Grim Hex' famous wings and beer while waiting for supplies to come in.
Lord Pith Lemon 13

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